Hope Builders International Consult Ltd. is organized exclusively for Educational, Scientific, Community empowerment and Consultancy purposes. We are convinced that the challenges that confront young people in Africa are multidimensional and complex and thus require an integration of responses that addresses their intellectual, economic, social, emotional and spiritual empowerment needs. Accordingly, our integral youth development program is made up of vocational skills training in market related technical and commercial trades, small enterprise development services, life skills education, inspirational talks, academic coaching and promotion of talents in arts.

We are enhancing opportunities for young people in Africa by offering multi-dimensional solutions to the challenges they encounter.
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Hope Builders Festival 2024 promises to be an event packed with innovative experiences where Entrepreneurs in Kaduna state will be empowered. For more information read the news below.
HOPE BUILDERS FELLOWS The Hope Builders International Consult In 2023, gave 10 students the opening to participate in the social innovation essay writing Competition. To capitalize on the opportunity for…
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