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As we roll gradually into the New Year, it is just appropriate to celebrate some personalities that ensured our global visibility despite the COVID-19 crisis of 2020. Without these dedicated volunteers nothing would be known of Hope Builders. As without light, no flowers; they inspired our online movement, connections and impact. Meet Isaac Sunday.

Isaac Sunday is a graduate of Kaduna Polytechnic from the department of Education Technical (2019). As a student, he was passionate about impacting lives and communities for sustainable development. His zeal led him into identifying and volunteering with different organizations with such visions.

He joined ENACTUS in 2016 – a team of students who are passionate about changemaking. As a committed team member, he received the most active team player in the year 2017 and 2019 respectively. He was appointed Hult Prize Campus Director of Kaduna Polytechnic in 2019 with a task to identify, train, build, inspire and organize young people with innovative ideas to help bring the ideas to reality. He was appointed Assistant Team Lead Growth and development, Hult Prize Nigeria. He began volunteering with UNFPA as a youth community immunity ambassador in 2020.

Isaac joined Hope Builders as a volunteer in 2017. He was appoint team leader for entrepreneurship development in 2019 and is now leading the media and publicity team since January 2020. Isaac is a teachable team player. Within the years he has developed skills including: communication, project management, report writing and graphics.

This is the personality behind our graphic designs, audiovisual presentations and social media management.