Rights-based approach to learning helps learners to develop the skills and confidence they need to become active agents of change in their communities. In pursuing our goal of advancing wide-diversified…
What if skills development is embedded in the education system? Skills training and development elicit the strongest commitment from youths because they are highly engaged by their willing participation. Our…
The future of education and learning in Africa is depending on achieving collaborative value and collective impact. This is our new focus and it is skills-based!
Just feeling good today that we are already making impact. The first two community incubation centers played host to 476 young people in 30 days. A lot of young people…
Mean youths grow up to become a mean generation of leaders if there is no intervention. Hope Builders is the solution. Our Story telling sessions are changing how young people…
Rev. J. J. Hayab Inspires Hope Builders Management in a Storytelling Session In our commitment to equip and incline youths to live conscious, connected and contributing lives to personal, societal…